Site news

Happy Birthday to Us!

Happy Birthday!We're one!  Well actually we're a bit older than that but we're taking the beginning of September as our official birthday...

In fact we started publishing stories and publicising the site in July 2005, although work developing it started long before that. But it took a couple of months for word to spread, and by the beginning of September it felt as if we'd really started - so September seems an altogether more reasonable birthday to choose!

Unfortunately July was just too late to cover the closure of the Triangle post office, but in time to publicise the airport's plans for expansion ('airport' is in fact the most searched for term on, and our first story on this, Airport expansion nightmare, is, so far, the most read story on the site). We'll be publishing more about airport expansion very shortly.

Statisticians amongst you may be interested to learn that the second most popular story is about changes at the Triangle, which, ambitiously, covered the move of the pharmacy and opening of the new health centre, the opening of
Italian cafe and deli Il Picchio, and proposals to turn the Shell station into a retail store.

The historical articles have also proved popular, and there's another piece in the series coming along very shortly.

So what of the future? Well there are various plans which we hope to realise, including conducting a survey of readers, adding better facilities for commenting on articles, bringing the noticeboard back online after upgrading, involving more people in contributing, and much more.

So stay tuned for year 2. And if you'd like to lend a hand, do let us know.

Meanwhile, thanks for your support.


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