Crime Reduction and Environment Week in Bitterne

Bitterne’s children, parents and residents are hoping to see a real change to their precinct as the Crime Reduction and Environment Week (CREW) Team and volunteers give the area a make over from January 19 - 23.

Children of Bitterne CE Junior School will also be invited to take a community pledge to make their village a nicer place to live. The Council says capturing children’s hearts and minds, as well as Bitterne residents, is crucial to the CREW message: say no to crime and yes to keeping their area safe and clean.

Work during the week will include:

• Deep cleaning of ally ways, subways and shelters
• The removal of graffiti
• Repairing the benches
• Painting the play equipment
• Replanting new shrubs
• High visibility patrols
• Checking abandoned/ un-taxed vehicles
• Tackling fly tipping

There will be two ‘zero-tolerance enforcement roadshows’ - on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 - which will target crime and anti-social behaviour, including dropping litter or cigarette ends. Enforcement officers will issue on the spot fines to any offenders.

On Wednesday 21 CREW will be holding an agency fair as part of the Bitterne Market; giving out advice and information on many local services including:

• Crime Prevention
• Children’s Information Services
• Home Fire Safety
• Waste and Recycling
• Environmental Health

CREW welcomes volunteers and anyone wishing to help should contact: 023 8083 2013 or visit

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