Christmas gospel concert in St Denys

cynthiaSouthampton's International Gospel Singer Cynthia, who recently returned from Gospelfest in Barbados, will be featuring in “A Gospel Extravaganza” at St Denys Parish Church on December 13.

The event follows a successful series of concerts staged at the Church in September to mark its 140th anniversary, and to explore ways in which the Old Building can be used as a performance space.

Also on December’s bill are Sound Advice, and there's a special guest appearance by gospel singer Michael Bolt.
The concert kicks off at 7.30 pm on Saturday December 13 at St Denys Parish Church, Dundee Road, Southampton SO17  2ND
Tickets are Ł5, available from the Church Monday - Friday 9.30 am - 12 pm

Telephone 8067 1757 for more information.

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