Riverside Park joins list of best parks and green spaces

 Green Flag group
Riverside Park has won Green Flag status — the equivalent of the Blue Flag for coastal resorts — recognising excellence in parks.

Improvements at Riverside Park this year include the installation of new bins, signs, benches and the new ‘dragon’ play area.

Stephen Harding, Chairman of Friends of Riverside Park, which formed in January 2008, said the Green Flag was the result of a partnership effort between Southampton City Council and the Friends group.

“This park has always been well used by everyone in the community, but it’s during the last year we have all seen real improvements made to the area. The council has put a lot of resources into Riverside Park and has consulted with us and kept us on board the entire time. I see it as a partnership and one that is having much success.”

Southampton has also retained its Green Flags for Central Parks and Mayfield Park for the fifth year running and Southampton Common for the second year, with Shirley Warren Community Garden also being awarded a Green Pennant for the first time, thanks to the hard work of its many Friends and volunteers.

Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services, and Bitterne Park Councillor Phil Williams, said: “I am delighted that the hard work of the community and the council has paid off and that our parks are getting the recognition that they deserve.”

For information on all winners, follow this link.

Award criteria

Friends of Riverside Park

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