Policing: meet the Safer Neighbourhood Team for Bitterne Park

police team
From left to right PC Andy Cole, PCSO Hayley Gigg, PCSO Kate Bohan and PC Neville Stokes.

In the first of what we anticipate will be regular updates direct from Bitterne Park's Safer Neighbourhood Team, we meet the police team members, find out what they get up to and hear their latest report.


The Safer Neighbourhood Team for Bitterne Park is led by Sergeant Vanessa Ford. The Team currently consists of Police Constables Neville Stokes and Andy Cold assisted by Police Community Support Officers Kate Bohan and Hayley Gigg.

Sergeant Vanessa Ford
Sgt Vanessa Ford leads the team

As a team we currently have three main aims:
•    Provide a high level of service that is guided by the needs and concerns of the residents.

•    Reduce crime and the fear of crime in the area making it a safer place to live, work and visit.

•    Work in partnership with a variety of agencies to tackle crime and anti social behaviour.

If you have any problems, information, moans, groans or just want a plain old chat please feel free to contact us.  All officers can be contacted by either calling (0845) 0454545 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In an emergency dial 999.

For more information on our role and your neighbourhood profile please follow this link.

Update for June 08

Theft from motor vehicles remains high with 20 reported incidents. It is imperative that drivers remember to remove all valuables when leaving their vehicle unattended. Don’t supply thieves with the opportunity.

Be vigilant this summer; there have been five dwelling burglaries and four non-dwelling burglaries this month.  As the weather grows warmer windows are accidentally left open: remember to secure these when leaving your property. If possible use timers on your lights if you know you are staying out until after dark.

There have been two reported incidents of thefts of pedal cycles. Best advice we can give is to invest in a good lock. Remember to use this when you’re at home and the bicycle is in the shed or garden. 

On July 26 we will be in Riverside Park from 12-4pm, at the launch of the ‘Sarah Merritt Foundation’ where we will be offering crime prevention advice, cycle and mobile phone protective marking.


  • There will be more information about the launch of the Sarah Merritt Foundation on bitternepark.info soon.


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