Have you seen Snoopy?

snoopy1Moving like a streak of lightning around Bitterne Park and beyond from 3pm Sunday, and still on the loose at the time of writing on Monday (July 27), is rescue dog Snoopy, who’s now been spotted as far away as Portswood.
Snoopy’s home!



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A number of people reported seeing Snoopy, a small pointer cross, around Bitterne Park on Sunday evening, including at Whitworth Crescent/Road, where he evaded capture.

Vicki Blow wrote on Facebook: “He seemed absolutely fine, very happy to run on. He got round the corner from Whitworth Road into the Crescent and we lost him. We checked up driveways, and over by the boat sheds, but from what we saw he ran straight up the road towards the triangle.”

He was also seen running at speed down Bond Road, and then along St Catherine’s towards Nursery, where he avoided the attempts of two boys to catch him.


But unfortunately he wasn’t found on Sunday evening despite extensive further searching.

Wendy Orchard said: “This is our rescue doggo!! We’ve been trying to catch him for hours! Please let me know if anyone manages to catch him or spots him again!!”

She described Snoopy as “friendly but super nervous + fast!”

If you see him please comment on the Facebook thread here, or message Wendy.

Update 28/7/2020

A poster has been published, below, encouraging people to not approach, call, chase or try to grab him because he will run, and giving contact telephone numbers.

• Update 30/7/2020: Snoopy’s home!

snoopy is missing poster

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