Chance to cheer marathon runners through Bitterne Park on Sunday

marathon riverside triangle people2
UPDATED It's the ABP Marathon, Half and 10k on Sunday (April 22), meaning (a) it's a chance for non-runners to help build on Bitterne Park's growing reputation as some of the best cheerers in the business, and (b) if you're thinking of going anywhere by car, bus – or even miniature railway, you might want to plan your journey in advance. Read more for further details...



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Southampton Ukulele Jam, pictured below at last year's event, are scheduled to entertain runners and spectators alike for around four hours, from 9.30am at the Triangle – likely to be the focus in Bitterne Park.

marathon ukes

As well as at Bitterne Park Triangle, you'll also be able to see the runners at other vantage points in the area, including by the river and along Manor Farm Road.

You can see a map of this year's routes here (pdf).

marathon riverside triangle people2

You can view a city-wide road closure map here (pdf).

Of particular interest locally, organisers have said:"Cobden bridge is closed but Woodmill is open via Woodmill Lane as well as access to the city centre westbound on Northam Bridge".

They've also warned Saints fans: "Please note road closures will affect you leaving the city, and the London Marathon is on in the city so please plan your journey."

For First bus changes on Sunday click here, and for Bluestar and Unilink click here.

marathon 2018 road closed sign

For more general event information on Discover Southampton, click here.

wheelchair in new carBecause of the road closures, the miniature railway at Riverside Park may only run a very limited service on Sunday afternoon (but hope to have their accessible carriage in service). 

Instead, this week only, the group intends to run trains on Saturday from around 11am to 4pm.


marathon runners from bridge3 by Lynne Coney Symms
Photo: Lynne Coney Symms

To see more pictures of last year's event in Bitterne Park, click here.

Updated 21/4/18 with further information about road closures




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