New season of children’s theatre

hare and tortoise illustration NST provided 200pxA new season of theatre for children under five starts next week at both NST Campus and at NST City, which is at new arts centre Studio 144 in the city centre.



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Coming to Nuffield Southampton Theatres Campus (NST Campus) on 3 February is The Pied Piper Theatre Company’s award-winning adaptation of Aesop’s much-loved fable about opposites, time and friendship, Hare and Tortoise, which will be “bursting with music, movement and colour”.

On 24 February, Hand to Mouth Theatre presents Jack at the Beanstalk Café, “a nourishing bean-feast of stories using imaginatively designed shadows and table-top puppets, original live music and song”.

This season also includes The Little Mochi Man from A Thousand Cranes, featuring origami puppets, animation and specially composed music, and Angel Heart Theatre’s adaptation of the timeless fairy tale Snow White, with striking innovative style, puppetry and storytelling.

And Noisy Holiday from Bristol-based maker of nonsense and rock ‘n’ roll theatre shows Ed Patrick (aka Kid Carpet) brings flying tents, diving bears, massive carrots and Ibiza anthems to NST Campus and Nuffield Southampton Theatres City (NST City) on 5 and 6 May, respectively, as the Noisy Animals go on holiday in this fun, family-friendly show.

Concluding NST’s season of children’s theatre is Nick Cope’s Family Songbook, at NST Campus and NST City on 19 and 20 May, respectively. Head lice, dogs eating soap and dragons called Keith – experienced singer and songwriter Nick Cope performs his biggest hits for children and their families.

All tickets cost £6 and are available from the Box Office 023 8067 1771 or online at

hare and tortoise illustration NST provided


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