Shutters down at Bitterne Park Hotel

bitterne park hotel exterior March 2016The shutters appeared to be down at the Bitterne Park Hotel once more this week.



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The pub reopened last December under new management, after various stop-starts in 2016

Ei Group, formerly Enterprise Inns, didn’t respond to requests for comment about the Bitterne Park Hotel by publication time.

The pub remains featured on Ei’s website, where business opportunities are listed, and where a regional manager talks about it having “huge potential” for quality food, lettings and to attract “young professionals and families”.

In 2014, the Bitterne Park Hotel was listed by Southampton City Council as a community asset, giving groups the chance to bid on the property should the owner ever decide to put it on the market – although there’s no suggestion that it is currently for sale.

At that time, nominator for the asset list Conroy Williams told “If it ever did come up for sale I would look to create a community shares initiative allowing the local community to buy and own the property together. I'd hope to turn it into something that meets the needs of Bitterne Park people.”

It’s one of only a handful of Southampton pubs on the council’s assets of community value register city-wide.

bp hotel reopening
Reopening in December 2016

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