Take to the art trail this August

Sandrinetulips200pxHampshire Open Studios, which this year runs from August 19-28, offers the opportunity to visit out of the way artists' studios, galleries, and even people's homes to view and purchase work – including at venues in Bitterne Park, in Southampton, and beyond.



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Local artist, teacher and writer Sandrine Maugy, pictured, is hosting an Open Studio at her Bitterne Park home over the bank holiday weekend, and other artists are also exhibiting in and around our area.

Sandrine is a botanical and textile artist as well as a writer. Her first book, Colours of Nature, was published in 2013, and she's published more than 60 articles for Artists & Illustrators magazine.

She says she’ll have lots of new work on show this year in her living room and studio, and will also be showing some of her textile work.

Her studio will be open Friday 25 from 2-7pm, and Saturday 26 to Monday 28 from 11am-6pm at 77 Manor Farm Road, SO18 1NR. Full details are here.


She’s also teaching classes on the Saturday and Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4pm. The cost for workshops is £37 including refreshments and materials, and they’ll be outside if the weather is fine.

church of ascension exteriorYou can also visit lots of other Hampshire Open Studios: in Bitterne Park, members of the Ascension Church Community Art Group will be sharing their work with visitors – check details here

Above the bike shop

You can also see the work of David George Wilmshurst above the bike shop at 24a Bitterne Park Triangle. Details are here.

To learn more and track down other Hampshire Open Studios check the project’s website.

Previously: Bitterne Parker: Sandrine Maugy 

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