Warnings to Riverside dog walkers over 'poisoned sausages'

woodmill golf course winterWarnings have been posted on social media claiming that a dog died after eating “poisoned sausages” in Riverside Park.



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The warnings have been shared extensively, including by those offering commercial dog walking services.

Nicky Slater, who runs Pickles Pets which offers dog walking and pet care, said she'd put a message on Facebook after hearing about a dog that had died last week, allegedly after eating meat found “on the golf course side near the woods” at Riverside Park.

Nicky said she didn't know the dog's owner, but it belonged to a friend of one of her customers. She hypothesised that the sausages could have been put down as “bait for foxes”, and warned the danger is that some dogs will eat anything they find.

“Hopefully it's not being done maliciously, but if it is, then less dogs will be harmed the more we can get [the word] out,” she told bitternepark.info.

woodmill golf course winter


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