Tesco's plans go to panel

Tesco’s application for planning permission (see Daily Echo, Feb 24) is now going to a Planning and Rights of Way panel meeting on April 3 — giving the public the potential to speak about the proposals. Several other local planning applications are also up for discussion, including developments in Sandringham Road and Lacon Close.

A move to introduce flats into Sandringham Road (where there are no other blocks of flats), just up from Bond Road, will also be on the agenda. The proposal, which has seen local opposition, is to demolish two houses and replace them with 14 flats, in a two story building “plus accommodation within the roof space”.

The plan to replace the church hall in Lacon Close with houses (in an area of other houses) will also be discussed at this meeting. However it's thought that there will be a recommendation to refuse permission for this development.

If it does go ahead, the church plans to use money raised to extend the Ascension site on Cobden Avenue, adding various community rooms. The development would provide for a
new dedicated youth space,  giving the church the potential to expand the services it provides for young people in the area; currently a youth club meets in Church House on Cobden Avenue between 6-8pm on a Sunday evening, but the church says a dedicated space would enable them to provide much more.

See also:

Approval for new Cobden Ave store

Who wanted this, again?

Second chance to comment on Tesco development

Interesting links:

Daily Echo article on Tesco's planning permission

Tesco store changes are belatedly approved - Daily Echo

Giant denies "Tesco Town" - Daily Echo


Clone Town Britain news from the New Economics Foundation

Shop around for diverse high streets while you still can - Guardian


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