Alan the dalek dropping in to Repair Café

Alan, a 2005 series replica dalek built by a Southampton hobbyists’ workshop, will be dropping in to the Repair Café in Freemantle on Saturday (Nov 1), to support volunteer repairers who try to fix everyday items for free.
Pic: Southampton Makerspace


Repair Café is an ideal place to try if you have household items like toasters, clothes with holes or broken precious objects which you’d like to fix rather than consigning them to landfill.

Liz Batten, a member of the Repair Café team, previously told bitternepark.ionfo:

"Sharing skills is a big part of Repair Café. So often we don’t tackle a repair because we don’t have the confidence in our ability. The informal sharing environment of Repair Café will hopefully encourage people to have a go, improving their confidence, sense of achievement and helping then to feel part of their community.

Alan the dalek has been made by members of Southampton Makerspace – a workshop for creative hobbyists: more info at

Southampton Repair Café
First Saturday in the month, 10.30am - 1pm
Freemantle United Reformed Church Hall, 257 Shirley Road, SO15 3HS - international website

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