FORP calls public meeting over park plan

riverside park footpath behind school
Meeting Tuesday 
Article updated Friends of Riverside Park have called a public meeting over what they describe as a “threat to Riverside Park and footpath closure”. {!jomcomment}


In September we reported how Bitterne Park Primary School wants to take out a lease on parkland behind the school and re-route the public footpath so it's safer for pupils to use the outdoor space.


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The meeting is apparently to request a “full, open and fair” public consultation over the issue.

It takes place on Tuesday, October 28 at 7.30pm at the Bitterne Park Social Club.

Graham Linacre, Chair of Southampton Common and Parks Protection Society is thought to be speaking, and supporters of the plan to lease the land for the school are also talking about attending on social media.

FORP has said that "there will be no conclusions" but that their meeting is to record park users' views "to carry forward to any public consultation".

forp meeting posterThe school has also said it hopes to organise a meeting to discuss the project.

Our previous article, including links to download Bitterne Park Primary School’s letter to residents and draft plan, and comments, is here

Left: poster advertising meeting





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