Two black swans & cygnet at Riverside

black swan liz battenThanks to Liz Batten for sending these pictures of a black swan, who seems to have "adopted" a cygnet, at Riverside Park. 'Read more' to see the others. We've also recently heard from a reader who says she came amost face to face with a stag at 10 o'clock in the morning in Riverside Park. Has anyone else seen him? Photos please! Update: Tony Bunday responded to our plea and sent his pictures of deer near Riverside Park - follow this link...

Liz says: 'For what seems like ages I've seen the black swan at Riverside Park. "Poor thing" I thought, "all alone". Then one day it seemed to have "adopted" a cygnet and I thought "Aw, the swan has got a friend". Then a couple of days ago I spotted TWO black swans! And a cygnet. I couldn't get them in one photo as they were either side of the jetty, but what a lovely surprise :)

black swan liz batten

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