Labour to launch election campaign in Bitterne Park

Southampton Labour Party launches its 2015 general election campaign on Saturday (Sept 27) at Bitterne Park School.


Rowenna DavisThe party says Southampton Itchen candidate Rowenna Davis (right), and Southampton Test MP Alan Whitehead, will be joined by current Itchen MP John Denham and speakers from various walks of life in Southampton, who “will be telling the audience why voting Labour is so important to them”.

Rowenna Davis commented: "We need more jobs in Southampton, higher wages and more advanced manufacturing. We need to build more homes for people, restore and protect our NHS, sort out our roads and answer legitimate concerns about immigration.

“There's no way we can do this alone. So no matter who you have voted for in the past or if you have never voted at all, if you believe in these things then we want to work with you. It would be an absolute honour for me to be your MP."

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