Three Men in a Boat at Nuffield

three men in a boat nuffieldIt’s 125 years since the publication of Three Men in a Boat, Jerome K Jerome’s classic tale of boating misadventure, and the Nuffield Theatre is presenting The Original Theatre Company’s production from September 30 until October 4, “complete with a working pub, live piano accompaniment, some ale, music hall singing, a dog and a lot of physical comedy.


Said Alastair Whatley, director of The Original Theatre Company: “Jerome K Jerome has been accused of writing the funniest book of all time. Now, 125 years later, it still has the power to make people laugh uncontrollably in public places. Craig Gilbert’s adaptation also manages to make people laugh uncontrollably, but in the safety of a theatre.”

The story revolves around three friends, J, Harris and George, accompanied by their faithful canine companion Montmorency, who, in an attempt to escape the stresses of city life decide to take to the river in order to relax and rejuvenate.

The holiday, however, quickly unravels and descends into chaos.

Tickets are on sale now from Nuffield's box office (SO17 1TR): / 023 8067 1771

three men in a boat nuffield

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