Audio: New comedy club brings TV names to Bitterne Park

comedy club header onlyUpdated A new comedy night kicks off in Bitterne Park on Friday, June 27, supported by, featuring top TV comedy names Paul McCaffrey (Channel 4, BBC3) and Carly Smallman (Rob Brydon show).



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Update June 25: The schedule will be: DJs  from 8-9pm, comdedy sets start at 9pm when doors close during the comdedy acts, then DJs and dancing from 11.15pm until 12.

The venture is a joint promotion between Astrid De La Zouche (of The Hill club night fame) and Bitterne Park Social Club – and the plan is to hold comedy nights and the Hill club disco nights on alternate months.

Trevor Carr Astrid de la Zouche Angela Humphriees
Pictured L-R: Trevor Carr, Club President; Astrid De La Zouche, Promoter; and Angela Humphries, Social Club Steward

Use the audio player to hear Astrid and club President Trevor Carr talking both about the comedy evening, and the revival of social clubs nationally.

No player? Try this link
Duration: 6:00

If you want to see the two main acts on YouTube, Paul McCaffrey at The Comedy Store is here  and Carly Smallman on the Rob Brydon show is here (warning: 'adult themes'/sweary). The evening will be compered by Joe Wells.

The Hill Comedy Club
Friday, June 27
Bitterne Park Social Club

Check the Facebook page for latest lineup.

Tickets are available in advance at £8 from Il Picchio at The Triangle, or from the Social Club, or £10 on the door if available on the evening.

 comedy club poster with credit smaller

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