Beauty business quits Triangle

tropical tan beautyA beauty business has moved away from Bitterne Park Triangle just months after the Paradise salon closed its doors, and days after it was announced that the greengrocer's is closed "until further notice" and the future of The Summit is in serious doubt.


Tropical Tan and Beauty says it’s relocating to Netley Abbey on an appointment-only basis, and will also offer a mobile service.

paradiseThe move comes only a few months after the long-established Paradise salon shut up shop. The premises have yet to reopen as another trading business.

Despite a raft of empty Triangle shop units, on a more positive note the Butcher's Hook micro pub seems to be a hit, drawing people to the Triangle to sample real ales, while it was previously announced new ice cream parlour Cups & Cones would open "by late March or April" in the former Alphapet shop.

Tropical Tan and Beauty was particularly known for bringing ‘Garra Rufa’, or ‘Doctor’ fish treatments to The Triangle, whereby fish nibble away at hard foot skin, when the salon first opened in 2011.

fish get exfoliation process underway at tropical tan and beauty salon
Fishy Therapy at Tropical Tan and Beauty

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