Find out about fostering

If you’ve ever considered becoming a foster carer, then an information day on Thursday, February 20 at Central Library could be for you.

From 10am until 5pm prospective carers will have the chance to find out what it takes to provide a foster home, and talk to current carers about their experiences. People are encouraged to pop along for an informal, no obligation chat to find out about the different types of fostering placements, training and financial support available.

The Fostering Network estimates there is a shortage of at least 9,000 foster carers in the UK. In Southampton there are nearly 500 children in care, with over 250 foster homes. More households are needed in order to offer a wider choice of carers and respite for families, giving the young people the positive and nurturing experience they need.

The council says fostering can be a career which combines family life with a skilled profession. All prospective foster carers receive training to help them identify and build upon the skills they already have, and develop new skills needed to offer children the best start in life. Carers can come from a variety of backgrounds, just like the children they may take into their care, from young couples, experienced parents or single people.

All fostering placements are fully funded, and there is also a skills-based payment scheme available to carers who have gained experience and have undertaken relevant qualifications, which are funded by the council.

Councillor Mark Chaloner, Southampton City Council’s Cabinet Member for Safeguarding, said: “We know that children have better chances in life if they are able to live in a stable family environment and this is why it is so important that we continue to recruit more foster carers.

“People from all backgrounds can become carers, regardless of their backgrounds or domestic circumstances. The most important quality is the ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for a young person.”

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