‘Bad feeling’ over church closure

all hallows groupA group of worshippers gathered outside All Hallows church to stress their opposition to its planned closure in April, and what they claim has been the lack of consultation over the move.


David Powell said it’s the church where he’s come for the last 30 years, and he’s gutted at the news – and disappointed at the way he thinks the church is dealing with the matter.

“Nobody has found out how much it will cost to repair it, and nobody has come to talk to the congregation at all about this – it’s just been an edict that’s come out saying that this church will close.


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“People have written to people within the church and not yet received any reply. It seems as though it’s something nobody wants to talk about,” he said.

all hallows 1He added that All Hallows was built so people in Midanbury and Townhill had a more accessible church for them, so he wondered if money from the sale would be spent in those areas once the church is no longer there.

“There’s an awful lot of bad feeling up here, and the lack of consultation has only made it worse,” he said.

Amanda Barnes-Andrews, Assistant Church Warden at All Hallows, said that people are very upset that their church, which has served the community for 60 years, was closing with what seemed like very little discussion.

“It’s very sad for people who rely on coming here on a Sunday morning for a bit of companionship, a cup of coffee, and some help if they need it.

“I think the decision was made, and it’s happening very quickly, and the congregation are upset, and having to work out where they’re going to worship on Sundays now,” she said.

A spokesperson for the Bitterne Park Parish previously told bitternepark.info that the building is no longer cost-effective to keep open because of the cost of repairs and alterations that are needed, and that the parish was "working with the parishioners at All Hallows to make sure that they’re able to attend the services at the Church of the Ascension, our other building in the parish, and we’re also talking to the different communities who use the All Hallows parish hall to accommodate them at the Church of the Ascension where possible.”

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