Time to give blood in November

With the clocks going back at the end of October, people living in Bitterne Park are being urged to use their extra hour to give blood in November.


NHS Blood and Transplant suggests that the end of British Summer Time on October 27 will give people more time to give blood, with each donation potentially saving up to three lives.

There's are blood donation sessions locally at Bitterne Park School, Dimond Road in the new gym on Friday, November 22 from 1.30-3.25pm and from 4.30-7pm.

Blood is always required with hospitals in England and North Wales needing around 7,000 units of blood every day to treat patients. Donated blood is not only used in accident and emergency situations but also for patients undergoing surgery and receiving treatment for cancer and other blood diseases.

Geraldine Parker, Lead Donor Relations Manager for NHSBT, said: "It would be great to see people using their extra hour to make a real difference to the lives of others. Blood saves and improves lives every day.

"We especially need O negative (O-) and B negative (B-) donors to come forward.

"We welcome new and existing donors and you can book an appointment or walk in to one of our sessions. You may have to wait when sessions are busy but we will do our best to ensure that everyone who wants to donate is seen as quickly as possible."

Donors with blood group O- negative are commonly known as the 'universal donor' as their blood can be given to patients with a different blood group. Donors with the blood group B- are more often found in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. Only 2% of the population has this blood group

Anyone aged between 17 - 65, weighing more than 50 kg (7 stone 12lbs) and in general good health could potentially start saving lives by becoming a blood donor. There is no upper age limit for donors who have donated in the last two years. To book an appointment call the Donor Line on 0300 123 23 23 or visit www.blood.co.uk

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