Airport: keep up the noise about expansion

Plane Mary Finch, Chair of the Airport Pressure Group and Airport Consultative Committee member for Bitterne Park Residents’ Association will urge local residents to “keep up the noise about airport expansion” when she speaks at the Association AGM on September 20.

“The masterplan has still not been published, but we’re seeing expansion anyway, from 1.5 million passengers using the airport in 2004 to 2 million now,” said Mary. “It’s vital we keep up the pressure. That right is ours! Many people who fly from Southampton Airport do this once a year; we live with it 364 days a year, and we deserve a better deal!”

Click here for a list of contacts to lobby about expansion.

The AGM takes place at 7.15 on September 20, at the Baptist Church Hall, Wellington Road. The meeting will be preceeded by an outline of policing policy in the area, presented by Chief Inspector Andrew Bottomley.

In the media

"BAA is determined to deliver airport expansion and new runways with a firm focus on corporate social responsibility and the environment." - BAA job ad

Airport expansion plan still on track - Daily Echo

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