Helpline ready for A-level results day

exam helpline careers advisorsSouthampton students and their parents will be able to talk to careers advisers from the Exam Results Helpline from 8am on Thursday, August 15, which is A-level results day.  Exerpienced staff can offer careers information and advice for anyone who receives higher or lower A-level results than expected, and who would like to discuss what to do next.

Delivered by UCAS on behalf of the Department for Education, the helpline opens for 10 days across the exam results period to support schools, colleges and existing careers advice services during a potentially very demanding time.

Last year the helpline offered a lifeline to over 3,000 students on A level results day alone, and almost 7,000 students across the whole exam results period.

Providing students with free, independent and expert information and advice about continuing into further or higher education, or pursuing different routes such as vocational qualifications, taking a gap year or finding employment, the helpline can be reached on 0808 100 8000. (Calls are free from landlines. Mobile network charges vary).

Nick Hynes, Exam Results Helpline adviser and professional careers adviser with over 25 years' experience, said:

'Imperative to be clear on ALL the options'

"Every year, there are students who don't get the grades they need for university, there are those who achieve better grades than expected and those whose career plans have changed since they made their original university choices. At such a critical and life changing time, it's imperative that these students are clear what ALL of their options are, enabling them to make fully informed decisions about their futures."

The service says it's the only careers helpline with access to UCAS applicants' information and higher education qualification details, and that advice is timely and accurate. Advisers are fully qualified with at least five years' experience working in a careers-based role.

Student, David Murdoch, called the helpline last year. He said:

"I didn't have any idea what to do when I didn't get into university. It was really nice to have some-one properly explain my options - what I could do and alternatives I hadn't thought about as well as the processes I needed to go through."

Further information can be found at

Pic: Exam Results Helpline staff: careers advisers Janet Hill & Mary O'Brien

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