Show your love for libraries

storiesAs libraries up and down the country face closure or cutbacks, National Libraries Day on Saturday (Feb 9) offers the chance to celebrate your local library. At Cobbett Road – now likely to face a cut to hours of a sixth rather than a half – there’ll be a range of celebratory activities, including the handing over of a petition about cuts – and free cake and refreshments are even promised!

national libraries dayAll are welcome to the Cobbett Road celebration, which takes place from 10.30am-12.30pm in the community room, and features a painting corner where you can paint a picture of your favourite book, and a heart for a 'Love Our Libraries Tree of Knowledge.' A children’s book trail and quizzes will also be on offer.

love your librariesCouncillor Warwick Payne (Southampton City Council cabinet member for leisure) is also expected to receive the Friends of Cobbett Road Library's petition against cuts to opening hours, which now has around 500 signatures.

For more information about events taking place at various city libraries on Saturday, see the council's website.

Previously on
Save our library – AGAIN!
Packham: cutting library hours 'short-termist lunacy'
Partial reprieve for Cobbett Road Library hours

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