Full steam ahead for new Triangle café

Il picchio royal cafeIt’s full steam ahead for Royal Café at the Triangle, which has been granted conditional change of use planning consent for its Manor Farm Road premises (formerly ‘Something Nice’) – next door to existing Italian café Il Picchio.

The council's policy is apparently to allow all Class A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 uses in local shopping centres. .

Royal Café’s website says the company offers “professional catering services for a perfect event.” “Royal Catering has now open a cafe, where you can eat breakfast, drink coffee with homemade cake, and enjoy your time,” promises the site. The premises are currently being renovated.

Il Picchio next door has recently introduced weekened evening dining and Sunday opening – and, we notice, is sporting some fine new signage.

Il picchio new signage

New signage at Il Picchio

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