Man attacked near Station pub

A 40-year-old man was attacked and threatened as he walked near ‘The Station’ pub in Bullar Road.

Police say he was walking away from the pub towards Cobden Avenue at around 5pm on Thursday, December 29, when a man got out of blue car and grabbed him by the throat, attacking and threatening him. He managed to break free and was not badly hurt, but was left shaken by the ordeal.

The attacker left in the blue car across Bitterne Road West and into Athelstan Road. It’s believed there may have been two other men in the car, as well as a large dog.

Police say it was a targeted attack.

“I’m now looking for witnesses and would like to speak to anyone who may have seen the incident or noticed people waiting around in any car close to the junction of Bullar Road and Bitterne Road West on Thursday, December 29," said Detective Constable Simon Walters

Anyone with any information is asked to call DC Walters on 101, or to call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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