Bitterne charity shop appeals for help

The Salvation Army is opening a new shop in Bitterne at 14 West End Road, and is appealing for stock and volunteers.

“As with all our shops, the new store in Bitterne will need a strong team of volunteers and lots of quality stock if it’s to make as much money as possible for The Salvation Army,” said Teresa Medway, shop manager. “We’ve already had a good number of volunteering enquiries and several donations but there is always room for more help, whether it’s sparing a few hours to help out on the till, dressing our windows, sorting our stock, or thinking of us when you’re having that big wardrobe clear out!”

“Volunteering with us and donating unwanted items means that you know your time or your possessions are helping The Salvation Army’s work throughout the UK including homeless services, elderly care, professional addiction services, family tracing and much more.”

For more information on becoming a volunteer, simply pop into the shop, or email. To donate goods, drop them off at the shop. The only items not accepted are electrical appliances as they cannot be safety tested. For more information on Salvation Army Trading Company and all its shops, visit

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